Important Reminder Regarding Jewelry
March 7, 2016

The 2016 summer soccer season is just around the corner! If your child is thinking of having their ears pierced within the next few months, now would be a great time to do so. The laws of the game prohibit the wearing of jewelry and for safety reasons, referees must enforce this both for the protection of the player wearing jewelry and for their opponents. 

Every year, RSC referees encounter situations where children have their ears pierced just before the season starts. In most cases, the child must keep their earrings in for at least six weeks so as to prevent the piercings from closing up. This means that according to the laws of the game, the child cannot be allowed to play soccer because the earrings have to be kept in. The referee is then put in a tough position as parents and coaches are petitioning them to allow the player to play.

In light of this, the RSC is suggesting that parents of children who wish to have piercings done in the next few months talk to their child and encourage them to have the piercings done soon enough to allow sufficient healing time before the soccer season starts. This will ensure safety and maximum playing time for all players and will help alleviate tense situations between referees, parents and coaches.

 NOTE: Having the earrings taped or covered does not change the fact that they are being worn and will still result in the player being kept off the field. 


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